Soul Punch: Reclaim Your Inner Power
Gloria Marcott

The place to be to command your Power & Safety. This is a blended presentation with interactive engagement consisting of physical movement while injecting you with powerful knowledge and skills. You will leave this 50-minute session with a newfound sense of empowerment, confidence, and command presence that will fuel your activities during the conference! This is an attire-friendly session so come as you are and get ready to be empowered!

Making Key Changes
Dr. Lori Schwartz Reichl

Making key changes in our living and working situations can be difficult, but change is possible! In this session, attendees will reflect on their story, consider who it includes, examine how each contributor is involved, and envision its development. Empowered women will explore what changes they want to make to their evolving stories and discover actionable key changes that will allow them to unlock their greatest potential in collaboration with those they love, serve, and lead. 

Women in Leadership: Dream, Believe, Achieve
Moderator: Ms. Jennifer C. Johnson Panelists: Dr. Mona Becker, Ms. Stacy Link, Ms. Heather DeWees, Dr. Cynthia McCabe, And Ms. Denise Beaver

Come sit down for an inspiring and informal discussion with a panel of stellar Carroll County women, all vetted leaders in our community of Carroll County! Gain insight through personal stories of resilience, determination, and dedication as they developed their dreams for our community into actions plans. Listen while they share how their knowledge, resolve and experience transcended them into our county’s elected and appointed leaders! Be roused by what encouraged them to serve and what drives them in their aspirations and accomplishments, taking note as they share their candid challenges and noteworthy celebrations! Panelists will share what they ENVISION for themselves and for you as their neighbors, peers, and parents. Attendees will come away with an appreciation for our community’s trailblazers and perhaps even an ignited spark of courage needed to step in and serve in a high-profile position!  

Resilience Rewired: Empowering Your Mind in Minutes
Moderator: Dr. Angelica Carter Panelists: Dr. April Herring, LauraAura Wallace, Dr. Lindsay Standeven & Karen Falkler

Join us for an insightful panel discussion on mental health, featuring industry-leading experts who bring diverse perspectives to the conversation. This session will delve into the critical importance of mental well-being through the eyes of a certified mind body wellness practitioner, a neuroscientist, a clinical psychologist, a professional coach, and a corporate advisor.

Our distinguished panelists will explore the complexities of mental health management within high-stress professions, offering actionable strategies to help you humanize your role and protect your well-being. From a simple, 2-minute daily meditation technique to advanced insights on how the brain responds to stress, you’ll gain practical tools to recalibrate your mindset and fortify your resilience.

Don’t miss this unique opportunity to learn from experts at the forefront of mental health and wellness. Elevate your mental health journey and discover how to thrive in both your personal and professional life.

Who’s in the Room: Shutting Down Imposter Syndrome
Ericka Sallee
Experienced. Educated. Wise. Beautiful. You’re all these things, and more! But you still feel inadequate in some of the personal and professional spaces you’re in. Well, it’s time to put that old Imposter Syndrome to rest! Learn how to calm the voices in your head saying you’re not enough, the strategies that empower you to take charge of your narrative and walk in your power!
Creating a Culture of Empowerment in Your Workplace
Amanda Haddaway

What if you went to work every day knowing that you could bring your whole self – your ideas (even the outrageous ones!), your creativity, your innovation – and that you would be celebrated and encouraged by your manager and by the organization as a whole to try new things, experiment and even fail without repercussions?

This is what working for an organization with a culture of empowerment looks like…and it’s amazing!

Learn from workplace culture and employee engagement expert Amanda Haddaway as she shares ideas you can implement in your own organizations to create the culture you’ve been dreaming of.

You’ll learn:

  • The three components of an empowered culture
  • The top six things employees want in order to feel empowered
  • 10 ways to boost empowerment in your workplace